芭閣娜的意義The meanings of Pakelang

芭閣娜:源自阿美族語"Pakelang"(重要活動後的慶功宴),耆老對於芭閣娜的觀念在親人辭世後更為重視。喪禮後各地回來子孫一起走一趟逝者曾經生活的路,並到達「那裡」舉行── 那個逝者生前最喜歡去的地方。齊聚而來的子孫要在那裡互相認識或增進情感,食物當下需食用完畢,不可以帶回家。活動重於逝去成為後代連結彼此的開始,所有過去的一切都放下,不再留到新的太陽出來之後的日子。里信原風館的初衷是為母親製作美麗的阿美族族服,如今母親不在了,仍要繼續在那裡(初衷)後為族人、喜愛阿美族文化的親朋好友,製作每一件美麗的衣服。我們會繼續從里信的創作起點開始認識,里信原風館的歷史淵源與近代阿美族服飾之美。

The meanings of Pakelang

"Pakelang" is a celebratory feast in the Amis language after significant events. Among the elders, the concept of Pakelang holds even greater importance after the passing of loved ones. Following the funeral, descendants from various places come together to journey along the path once walked by the deceased, eventually arriving at "that place" – the dead's favorite place during their lifetime. The gathering of descendants aims to foster mutual acquaintance and emotional bonds, with the understanding that they must ingest all food on the spot and not lugged home. The event's obsession lies in beginning a connection among future generations, letting go of everything from the past without having it into the days that follow the rising of the new sun.

The original intention of the Lisin Original Wind Pavilion was to create beautiful Amis tribal garments for the mother. Although she is no longer with us, the purpose continues at the Lisin Original Wind Pavilion, where beautiful garments are created for fellow tribespeople and friends who appreciate Amis culture. We will continue to explore the origins and the beauty of modern Amis attire, starting from the creative roots of the Lisin workshop.