2005年,里信的紅吧服裝秀Lisin visited the RB Fashion Show

2005年,里信的紅吧服裝秀Lisin visited the RB Fashion Show

2005年,里信受邀參加花蓮縣文化局及吉安鄉邀請『2005原味魔法舞動衣時尚服裝秀』 ,這是花蓮縣首次邀請部落工藝師參與服裝秀,身為阿美族的青年,里信知道這是一個值得讓阿美族服飾發揚光大的機會。




第一套服裝:太陽的女兒(Daughter of the Sun


第二套服裝:大地之母(Mother Earth


第三套服裝:太陽的舞者(Dancer of the Sun

這套相較第一套來說,相較活潑許多 ,擺脫許多束縛,展現阿美族女兒稚嫩且純真的一面。頭上戴著象徵大地恩惠的頭圈,胸前的陽光及腰際上的垂珠流蘇,宛如光在大地能盡情跳舞,沒有一處不被陽光而溫暖照射。短裙下的流蘇搭配珠珠的裝飾,像腳踩大地,腳踏實地的勞苦下仍能開心喜悅,反應太陽的兒女樂天知命的一面。腰間的圖騰腰帶由右斜上左側,除了仍代表使命必達外,仍有上天庇蔭之意。過去部落有基督教宣教師來台灣時,受到教義的薰陶,里信明白聖經的一個道理:「祂會給你們開一條出路,使你們能忍受得住。」(林前10:13),在困苦的環境中,仍舊能開心的舞動真實的自我!




  In 2005, Lisin visited the Red Bar Fashion Show

    Lisin was invited to participate in the "2005原味魔法舞動衣時尚服裝秀" Fashion Show organized by the Hualien County Cultural Bureau and Ji'an Township. This was the first time that tribal artisans were invited to take part in a fashion show in Hualien County. As a young member of the Amis tribe, LiShen recognized this as an opportunity to promote and showcase Amis's indigenous clothing.

    The weaving machine's horizontal and vertical movements reflect the threads of time and emotions. Lisinn represents the wisdom and efforts of the Amis tribe's cultural heritage, weaving together tribal emotions and memories of cultural inheritance.

    One thing that has always been a dream for Lisin is to see her mother wearing a beautiful Amis traditional costume. As Lisin grew up, her dream gradually came true. Besides seeing her mother wearing a modified and beautiful indigenous outfit, LiShen's creations evolve with the changing times, showcasing the red color that remains vivid in her memories on the runway.

First: Daughter of the Sun

    This is the original "Daughter of the Sun" collection, where the memory of red is the primary color of the Amis tribe. As the Amis people follow a matrilineal society, this reflects the image of the mother as the sun shining upon the land and the ocean. Black symbolizes nobility and the responsibility of inheritance. In the past, once the children of women grew up and achieved success or made significant contributions, older women would transition their tribal clothing to black, symbolizing pride in their family. The interplay of black and red and the swaying fringes represents the sparkling of tribal culture and its continuous transmission.

Second: Mother Earth

    The hair is tied and wrapped in a black cloth, allowing ceramic objects to be placed on top for easy transportation, a common practice among many Austronesian peoples. Lisin witnessed women carrying ceramic containers filled with wild vegetables or fish, inspiring her to create this Mother Earth costume. Utilizing patterned fabrics and exquisite beaded fringes, the waistband represents fertility and responsibility, hoping that children, like the Earth, will nurture and care for all things and their families.

Third: Dancer of the Sun

    Compared to the first ensemble, this one exudes much more liveliness, breaking free from many constraints and showcasing Amis women's youthful and innocent side. Wearing a headband symbolizing the blessings of the Earth, with the sun on the chest and beaded fringes at the waist, it is as if the light is dancing joyfully on the Earth, bringing warmth to every corner. The fringe and bead decorations beneath the short skirt symbolize stepping firmly on the ground, finding happiness and joy amidst hard work, reflecting the carefree and accepting nature of the sun's children. The diagonal waistband symbolizes the fulfillment of their mission while also representing divine protection. In the past, when Christian missionaries came to Taiwan, they influenced the local tribes with their teachings. Lisin understands the biblical truth: "He will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear" (1 Corinthians 10:13). Even in challenging circumstances, one can still dance joyfully and express their true self.

    Lisin goes up on stage to receive recognition. She deeply appreciates the experiences that have brought her to this point, allowing her to receive her first award and share the beauty of Amis's indigenous clothing with others. She looks forward to more successors, carrying the torch and contributing to our tribal culture.